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Old 12-21-2014, 06:53 PM   #51 (permalink)
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Join Date: Oct 2009
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While nobody seems too stuck on the idea of the film being on Netflix, let's try to keep the first lap of films as Netflix friendly and see how it goes. After that we can branch out. As I had the task of choosing the first film I wanted to pick something subversive and ripe for analysis while still maintaining crossover appeal to a mainstream audience. I've decided on a film I think if far from perfect and perhaps not even fully accomplished, but nonetheless interesting.

Aronofsky's 2006 film is one of the most experimental films to come from a big director in the last decade. Considering it also stars Hugh Jackman, one of the highest paid stars in cinema right now, it's really insane how unconventional this film is. I haven't seen it in a long time so will rewatch tomorrow and write a full review. Hopefully this will be an adequate taster for this club, a film in English with recognisable elements while still harking forward to the kind of films we will hopefully be looking at. Also as this is Music Banter it's fitting that our first film will be one with such an utterly beautiful soundtrack, as per for Aronofsky. We will run this until the fifth of January, at which point we will move onto the next film. We will order the choices just in a first come first served basis. Please PM me your picks and that will cement the order we run choices in from now on.
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