Music Banter - View Single Post - Turns out modern pop music does really suck!!!
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Old 12-24-2014, 11:53 AM   #53 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jazzpig View Post
I don't get the value of these propositions.
Pop yesterday vs pop today = Beatles vs Beach Boys....
It's a matter of taste and context. More to the point, the lasting appeal of pop music is more associative than anything else. Unlike other genres i.e. jazz, classical, that transcend time/eras, pop music is a pure product of its time.
I did a list of my top 100 pop songs and then did a spreadsheet with the corresponding years. I'ld say 80% were between the years of 1968 - 1975. My late grade school and high school years, the most formative years. I doubt it would be very different for anyone else.
I'ld say those were the best pop songs ever written. My dad thought it was crap and loved the music from his earlier years. Am I right? Was he right?
Same argument, generation after generation.
They have done studies and while it is true that people tend to gravitate towards the pop music they heard in their early years my argument was about the decline in quality of pop music do to the amount of pop stars that cannot write their own musical compositions, and therefore rely on music producers to supply them with a sampled beat

The study in Spain revealed that there has been a decline in the variety of notes pop hits have had over the last decade or so, resulting in music that is sounding less diverse and more and more the same & I think there is a direct correlation between this and the sampling of beats.

In the old days record companies would hire session musicians for singers who couldn't write their own compositions & the artist would direct the process. Today record companies cut costs by sampling music they own their rights to.

Anyways I'm tired of arguing this its taking up too much of my time, if it is possible to have a mod close it as a Christmas present it would be awesome thanks!!!
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