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Old 12-27-2014, 06:15 PM   #7212 (permalink)
John Wilkes Booth
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Join Date: Jul 2013
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Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
My response to making you feel like an utter turd bucket is this:
Just because I vote right,don' t mean that I agree with every single thought or veiw that my party does.I know the difference between blind devotion and being able to think for myself.

Im not senstive dude,I just dont like to be accosted over my veiws.Im sorry that does bother me.Because. ppl let their dislike of the party or America, get the better of them and assume that I agree with every single bit of garbage they spew,withoit bothering to find out what my actual feelibgs and thoughts are.Seek first to understand brother. I get that **** enough from my family.You have any idea how crazy **** gets in a room full of faaaaaar left people being the only conservative.Id almost rather go to a ****ing klan ralley,id be more accepted.

Edit: on my phone mock away with my typos.
lol trust me i know how annoying liberals can be. i'm pretty leftist myself and they even annoy the **** out of me. i had a jewish step-aunt (sorta) who was like the living breathing california vegan cat-loving cliche. she once made an hour long argument on thanksgiving out of the fact that my dad was "blowing smoke in her face" by going outside and having a cigarette cause the windows were open and thus technically there was no air-tight barrier between the smoking and non-smoking sections of the residence.
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