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Old 12-28-2014, 08:54 PM   #7386 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth View Post
thats kind of strange to me how transgendered isn't offensive but tranny is. like more syllables/more proper sounding somehow dictates the respect being given to the people you're describing. what if people started saying transgendered in a really snarky tone. maybe then that will be offensive too... i wonder
You are correct. But I guess it's the same reason non-cursing folks say shucks instead of shit. The intent behind the word is the same, but the word itself is associated or not associated with what we understand as a socially unacceptable word. Which is why I laugh internally when someone says "shucks", because they have no earthly clue that they're cursing. I mean, whatever god they worship certainly doesn't operate on a blacklist of human words. It really all boils down to societal perspective. That's it.
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