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Old 12-28-2014, 09:19 PM   #7415 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls View Post
How so? You can not react like a 5 year to blunt opinions. Or am I misunderstanding you?
I meant that one doesn't need to expect that a) people will not be insulted and b) people should not be insulting. At the same time. It's roughly what I got from your reply, but I said it to shed light on which should be the more important approach.

1. Should people be less sensitive?
2. Should people be less abrasive?

You only need one of those options, however, only one of them actually make sense in a personal development way. The other only makes sense in a way that accepts the world as it is. And that's option 2. Sure, I can be less abrasive. I usually am. In fact, I say none of the things I have said in this thread anywhere in my life, internet or not. But in this thread, well, it was created for just that reason.

So, yes, I understand that people are not just going to flip a switch and become less sensitive. But in the one single place on the entire internet for me to not have to censor myself, I don't expect option 2 to be a factor on the account of option 1.

That's really all there is to it.
No one is forcing recipients to read this thread. It's a choice. Much like my choice. If anything, I'd more expect that people complain I'm a horrible person for holding the opinions in the first place, rather than using a venue specifically designed for expressing them.

At least that much, I'd understand.
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