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Thread: The Poseur Cave
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Old 01-01-2015, 03:22 AM   #320 (permalink)
cooler commie than elph
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Join Date: Sep 2012
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"But Briks, what is 'Devil's Dancefloor'?"

I'm glad you asked, I guess. This is an idea JustinJJustin conceived some time during last year, which involves exploring and reviewing metal of all sorts throughout the year, covering one subgenre per month:

January - Traditional Metal
February -
Death Metal
March -
Thrash Metal
April -
Black Metal
May -
Glam Metal
June -
Doom Metal
July -
Industrial Metal
August -
Power Metal
September -
October -
Progressive Metal
November -
Gothic Metal
December -
Folk Metal

I really liked the idea, so I PMed Justin and said I wanted to join forces with him.

Every month, we will look at a bunch of albums generally regarded as representative of the subgenre. The Batlord compiled a top 10 list of traditional metal albums, which will be used during January. Justin has announced that he will probably be reviewing a bunch of additional albums as well. I will, however, not do this as thoroughly as Justin. I'm pretty sure he's aiming for 20 a month, which I don't have time for. I'll do as many albums as I can, but I have to skip a bunch of them, so as to not fall behind on schoolwork. This is my last year of lower secondary school, and I want to get accepted into my upper secondary school of choice.

Aaanyway, this is going to be great. Be sure to head off to the main feature, over here. After all, this is Justin's project. Rock on!

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