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Old 01-11-2015, 06:27 AM   #223 (permalink)
The Batlord
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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Originally Posted by CoNtrivedNiHilism View Post
There are an undefined number of people here that are too preoccupied with going out of their way to negatively criticize people for what they listen to. There's a constructive way to do it, and then there's just that off-putting, music superiority snobbery.

It isn't something that can happen, but I believe people need to stop with all this back and forth with who has better taste in music than who. When there's a debate on musical taste, bringing that up just makes anyone look a bit petty, and it works against whoever is trying to make a point in the debate, so much so that almost anything said by who is making that claim, is just moot or can't be taken seriously.

All of that is one reason why I typically avoid debating anything, with anyone here. Because I know at some point, someone is going to start their little superiority trip because they listen to Nick Cave (I really like that guys music by the way, just starting listening last night...) or whoever else they listen to, where they feel entitled to say that my taste, or your taste, is juvenile. That sh*t just pisses me off...
We're all musical elitists here. Every one of us. The sheer fact that we are actually interested in music in the first place makes us feel musically superior to 90% of the people on Earth. The people talking to you on this thread are musical elitists. You are a musical elitist. Some less, some more. But we all have strong opinions about music and we all think we're right about them. Rather than pussy foot around it why don't we act as if we all already know that we think our music is better than everybody else's music and move on from there.

inb4 subjectivity

As far as staying away from band threads largely unknown to most, I think that maybe those threads get no reply due to having nothing to say about the band. Or if the band is familiar, maybe they've nothing good to say about that band, so they just refrain from posting so there's not some flame war, I don't know. But yes, I think anyone here needs to start being more willing to check out any thread that they're unfamiliar with, because there's that chance that not only will they discover a new band to listen to, but also find people with things in common.

All of that though is just me being optimistic, or having that positive outlook. People will do, and say what they please and typically, peoples feelings aren't held in account.
Those threads die because they're not interesting. Some guy starts an "Aren't the Shins Just Peachy Keen" thread, five people say variations of "Yeah, I love them, 'Random Song' is a really good song", and then nobody says anything about it ever again. The people who wanted to say something did, the people who didn't care didn't, and the simple fact of a band's existence isn't actually a conversation starter.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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