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Old 01-22-2015, 06:49 PM   #118 (permalink)
John Wilkes Booth
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i can honestly respect WD's stance. i'm just not enough of a saint to live that lifestyle. not today, anyway. maybe some day.

i don't **** animals, either way. but not cause i think it's wrong, just cause personally i don't find them all that attractive. they taste pretty great, though.

edit - correction: i don't **** non-human animals. cause i know one of you pedantic ****s will probably correct me on that semantic point :p

edit 2 - i have been trying to eat more veggies/fruit and less meat, though. mostly cause i've heard too much meat isn't healthy.

Originally Posted by Xurtio View Post
I believe that only specific classes of animals can experience suffering. Probably most higher mammals (as they have homologous circuitry to ours associated with suffering) and birds (who evolved parallel to us and developed a lot of similar brain functionality).

I don't think plants, insects, or bacteria have feelings. Reptiles, fish, and amphibians (and other non-mammalian vertebrates) are in more of a difficult place to determine the extent of their conscious experience.

I still eat birds and mammals though, because I can't handle a vegetarian diet psychologically (I have tried).
so where do you stand on raping fish?

Last edited by John Wilkes Booth; 01-22-2015 at 06:55 PM.
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