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Old 01-29-2015, 06:47 PM   #30310 (permalink)
The Batlord
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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Originally Posted by Justthefacts View Post
So I'm moving to Austin, Texas very soon to live with my dad and finally get out of this cesspool of a filth state I live in called Florida. Problem is my close knit group of friends are all having issues wrapping their brain around me moving, making me feel awful about rekindling with my family and shit. I love all of them, and do feel really bad about leaving them here to rot, but it's just something I obviously need to do.
Never had to move, but I've had a close friend end up moving to live with his mother all the way up in Connecticut (I live in VA). It sucked, but it is what it is. People gotta do what they gotta do. Nothing lasts forever. I wrote a short thing in my English class a week ago that I think applies...

The gist was that I've lived with many, many animals my entire life without any interruption. Mostly cats and dogs, but nothing as long-lived as a parrot, so every ten years give or take, I have to deal with one of them dying. And since we get them at different times, there's usually one dying every year or every other year or whatever.

Rather than be bummed out at the thought of getting another pet and having to lose them too, I've learned that, while no cat can replace another cat that's died, the new one will inevitably find a place in your life and heart that is entirely unique. Your relationship with the newbie may or may not be as fulfilling and important, but it really doesn't matter, cause they're not a replacement, just a new and different chapter of your life. With the constant change in the "cast of characters" of my pets, I find that the nature of my home life is in a constant state of flux, due to the nature of my relationships with them and their particular needs (both emotional and otherwise), and it's honestly fulfilling to avoid stagnation, even if the rest of my life isn't so subject to evolution.

My point is that, while you can't replace old friends, their loss doesn't have to be entirely a tragedy (If you knew how spoiled those hairy little SOBs are, you'd beg for a ten-year life span at my house.) New experiences and relationships will inevitably occupy your time in a way that will fulfill you in different ways, but depending on your approach to life they may be just as meaningful. Don't focus on the difficulty of loss, but on the possibilities provided by change.

Besides. You're moving to Austin. I may not be much of an indie kid, but having such a vibrant musical scene so close would still rule. Quit your bitchin'.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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