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Old 02-12-2015, 10:18 AM   #348 (permalink)
cooler commie than elph
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Let's turn into Martians, everybody

Once upon a just right now
Something made me think "oh wow"
It was a link I did encounter, scrolling down my Facebook feed
Fascinated, click I did
And right behind the link, there hid
The news that human settlement on Mars may pretty soon proceed.

Alright, it's not really news, people have been talking about the possible colonization of Mars for a veeery long time. But I didn't find out before just now, when I encountered this article (shared by, just how close it is to becoming reality. Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors and cofounder of PayPal, has already started a company with the goal of reducing space transportation costs so that we can start colonizing Mars. And according to the article, that might be possible. Sure, we can't live on mars as it is now, but with a "relatively small push", we can make the climate on Mars habitable. Elon Musk, in 2011, stated that his goal is to send humans to Mars in as little as 10-20 years.

Apparently, we might be able to turn Mars into a pretty good Earth.

Why is this so bitchin'?

  • Human-caused climate change and global warming are real issues. Our planet is dying. But hey, the human race won't necessarily die because of this, since right next to our own planet is one that might be just as good. And if, say, half of the human population moved to Mars (yes, I know this is a ridiculously high number, but still), the humans on Earth would only need about half the resources that we need now. There'd be enough food for everyone, and global warming would maybe even stop being an issue.
  • When humans colonize Mars, an abundance of cultures and nationalities will meet there and be forced to cooperate and tolerate each other. Who knows, maybe discrimination won't be as big of an issue on Mars? If the whole thing doesn't turn into a major-scale Lord of the Flies situation, that is. But hopefully it won't.
  • If our attempt to make Mars habitable doesn't work, we could still move the Westboro Baptist Church there.
  • Best of all, when you live on Mars, you're a Martian, right? The Misfits song will become reality...
One, two, three...


according the article, nuclear weapons are prioritized more highly by the US, and they intend to spend approximately ten times more on nukes than space exploration over the coming decade. So hopefully the world isn't accidentally blown to smithereens before we get to Mars (jeez, the US alone has enough nuclear weapons to blow up the world several times, they really don't need any more of them).

Last edited by Isbjørn; 02-13-2015 at 12:31 PM.
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