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Old 02-12-2015, 01:35 PM   #7947 (permalink)
Urban Hat€monger ?
The Sexual Intellectual
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post

Urban: His almost total lack of disclosure about his personal life leads me to believe that he seeks validation through his status on the forum that he otherwise doesn't get in "real life". That's all well and good, and I of all people can't criticize him for that, but his superior attitude toward online attention-seeking makes him come across as a hypocrite. I wouldn't want him to tone down his snark, just his unself-aware pretensions of superiority.
I don't talk about it for 3 reasons.
1. I find it boring
2. I am boring
3. I find people who's favourite topic of conversation is themselves to be boring.

Also I think people confuse having a moan with having a superior attitude, people bitch about things and people all the time, I'm no different.

I don't know if people make a bigger deal of it because I'm a moderator. I've never hidden behind my mod status. I was exactly the same when I wasn't one and I've only permabanned something like 2 regular members in the 6 or 7 years I've been doing it and even then they were people who were only here a month or two, so it's not like I use this place as a power trip.

If I say there's loads of **** in the lounge it's just a personal opinion, I'm not warning anyone or telling people to sort it out or threatening to ban anyone.
I've said many many times I'm only interested in moderating the actual music parts of the board.

And of course I'm an attention whore, isn't anybody who posts something online?

I'm not seeking validation but i'll take it if given, same goes for notoriety.

Urb's RYM Stuff

Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.
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