Music Banter - View Single Post - Best Band Or Artist In The Past 5 Years
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Old 12-14-2005, 11:03 AM   #7 (permalink)
Let it drip
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Originally Posted by deadkennedysmeetstheclash
Obviously, I don't PERSONALLy belive that Coldplay or Babyshambles or kasier cheifs ar ethe best band of the past 5 years, but COMMERCAILLY they are. You can't argue with album sales and figures. Band in teh last 40 eyar slike the white stripes???? The reason there is no other like them is because they're ****. Ni the simplicity is the fact that they're no talented losers. Name me one good lyrical song by teh white stripes, I dare you.. Okay, name a band like Hot Hot heat. Okay so Seether, and american hi-fi are generic but they're talanted. More talnted than the White Stripes at any rate. And thinkign muse are head and shoulders above everyone is why you are an idiot my friend. Muse are good but they'r enot THAT good.
good lyrical songs? try one more cup of coffee, offend in every way, im finding it harder to be a gentleman, we're going to be freinds, little room (for a song 50 seconds long the lyrical content is a perfect summary of the stripes rise) and i fought piranhas. all have great lyrics. oh and little acorns. for just two people the music they produce is quite remarkable. and they are very very infulential- spawning a new-wave of two piece bands such as DFA' 79, the black keys, dresden dolls, viva voce and idiot pilot to name a few. for "no talented losers" they've done pretty well for themselves havent they? im not going to question your tastes because that would be stooping to your neanderthal, unfathomably low level. quip...seether talented? you've had your head too far up your arse for far too long. you call me an idiot when you cannot even spell "talented".

And so onto the Queens, granted minus olivieri they've lost a lot of the pinasche that in my opinion made them great. but their three albums prior to that bought desert, sleaze rock to the mainstream. three of the best albums for purely for their content for the past 5 years? can anyone really question that? and live they are unbelievable.
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