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Old 02-14-2015, 08:42 AM   #352 (permalink)
cooler commie than elph
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This is a heart.

Ah, Valentine's Day. The day when our capitalist overlords get filthy rich on selling us what's left of the diminishing chocolate reserves of the world in the name of love.

What's the point? Why do we need one day of the year dedicated to romantic love? Shouldn't love be something we share with each other throughout the whole year? Do we really need to make it any worse for those not in a relationship by littering pink decorations and roses everywhere? And those who are in relationships, won't they just get super jealous of the adorable couples presented in those Valentine-themed romantic comedies?

But I can't really say I hate Valentine's Day, either. Earlier today, while taking a walk in the park, I walked past a young woman, probably in her early twenties, sitting on a park bench: next to her was two bottles of soda, and a basket of food, I assume, with two pink heart-shaped balloons tied to it. I'm pretty sure she was waiting for her significant other
, and guess what? She looked joyful. This is what motivated me to even write this post. I'd all but forgotten that it even was Valentine's Day today, but then I was reminded that yes, to some people, Valentine's Day is a day of joy, and it really doesn't need to be taken that seriously.

And if Valentine's Day brings you down, remember that tomorrow it's over and you won't have to think of it anymore.

(try to)
Have a happy Valentine's Day!
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