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Old 02-24-2015, 07:14 PM   #769 (permalink)
silky smooth
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Originally Posted by grtwhtgrvty View Post
I like how you claimed I was making generalizations and assumptions and then you go off to insult the fact that I suffer from mental illness.. like.. you, a psychology major, someone who should be wanting to help people, is getting emotionally charged and insulting someone point blank for being mentally ill?

Ontop of that, you made a slew of generalizations and assumptions in your own right. Your hypocrisy confuses me.

Why is everyone being such a hypocrite. Like there is so much hypocrisy in that post, dude. It's literally in every sentence. You paint yourself a hypocrite in literally every single sentence of that post. And no psychology major worth their **** is going to insult someone for suffering from a mental illness completely out of their control, like wow.

I'll insult someone's ignorance, or poke at their intelligence, but I would never ever go after someone for being sick, especially a victim of abuse for suffering from illnesses as a cause of that abuse. That was really low.

A symptom is something that reflects the presence of a disease or sickness. That's why suicide is a symptom of mental illness.

And you know who told my cousin that information? One of his professors.
Does having a mental illness make it okay to be an insufferable asshole to several well-intentioned people all at once? Way to immediately use your (unconfirmed) problems as a shield the second someone calls you out for being a shithead.

You disgust me, and your problems don't change that. Someone can need help but not deserve it, and you certainly have done nothing to deserve my respect or compassion or anyone else's for that matter. If you want to play the victim card you should probably be a little more level-headed in the discussions before you start playing that card. Maybe then I could summon a shred of sympathy for you.

I'm a Psych major that wants to help people that are actually good people that recognize they have a problem and are seeking out help for that problem. I have no desire to help douchebags that try to insult the intelligence (which is HILARIOUSLY ironic considering the genetics that factor into it) of people that I have a ton of respect for and that I know for a fact are extremely intelligent like Frownland for example. You could only hope to be remotely as interesting as he is. But alas, you're just a generic internet cunt who thinks he can be a jerk and then bring up his "problems" and then suddenly everything you said should be forgiven.

9-Time Winner of MusicBanter's "Most Qualified to be a Moderator" Award

Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
On this one your voice is kind of weird but really intense and awesome
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