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Old 02-26-2015, 01:24 AM   #200 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Originally Posted by TheMainMan View Post
^this is very similar to the beliefs of Many deists. Personally i believe that he exists but does not interact and has not interacted upon the earth since creating it. Meaning that man himself created religions to try to explain the world to the common man. If god is a perfect being then why have so many contradictions in the bible. Also If a god does exist he legit sees the horrors of his creation and does not try to fix them. Why? Why have people suffer for what YOU YOURSELF have done?
Then I'd say we can generally predict what happens in the universe because events seem to run in accordance with certain natural laws that behave entirely predictable. That's not to say the universe has to be entirely deterministic, but that there doesn't seem to be any conscious will imposed on it. Gravity, f.ex, behaves predictably so there doesn't seem to be any consciousness behind it.

Stretching back in time to the beginning of the universe (if there is such a thing), it seems more rational to me that the same sort of predictable laws that determine the evolution of the universe today also caused the things that happened then. It can't be proven, but let's just say I don't see the need to invent a deity to explain something like the birth of the universe when that explanation doesn't seem to be valid or needed in order to explain any other aspect of the universe.
Something Completely Different
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