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Old 03-03-2015, 04:49 AM   #84 (permalink)
why bother?
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Mashup Of the Moment
You know that thing where some guy on the internet somewhere takes not one, not two, but five songs you never really liked that much and turns them into something you enjoy more than each component combined? That's what's going on here. I can't even remember how I first came across this one. I guess when you say 'mashup' to just anyone, their response will usually range from 'stop following me' to '2 Many DJs', and you'd be amazed how many more awesome mashups you can find just by browsing YouTube for about half an hour.

Take the lead vocal from one of my lesser-liked Beatles songs, a classic riff ('til as late as last year, I thought Britney Spears did the original I Love Rock 'n' Roll...come on, it was the mid-2000s, I was too busy watching the Sopranos and listening to Tony Blair bleat about WMDs to clue up on my music history), bits and pieces from a few tracks I've never really known that well, and you've three minutes very well spent by listening to this.


...or something. I dunno really, I make no guarantees
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