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Old 03-03-2015, 07:36 PM   #312 (permalink)
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No, not that 'first time' you sickos. I'm talking about the first time I ever heard an album. The album i'm talking about is of course one that has definitely stood the test of time and still to this day amazes me and becomes a regular listen whenever i'm in the mood for this sort of thing. I'm speaking of...

Godspeed You! Black Emperor - F♯ A♯ ∞

the debut album by GY!BE. Seriously, what better way to start off your career then with this album of pure beauty. Unfortunately, I wasn't one of the people that saw this album on release and had the opportunity to listen to it right away, I was sort of pushed into listening to it as it was an album widely raved about on music forums and most music websites. I think my first listen to it was a few years back, can't remember exactly, but man, hearing it for the first time is seriously one of the best experiences i've had in terms of hearing post-rock albums for the first time. Speaking of which, this album was also one of the first post-rock albums I ever heard, which says how long (or little) i've been listening to the genre. But of course, it's had an everlasting impression on me, and just continues to get better with time.

I'm going to post the song everyone is already thinking of...

As a whole album, it's a beautiful piece of art, but if this album only had this one song on it, it'd still be a beautiful piece of art. This song alone has to be one of the finest pieces of post-rock i've ever heard, and yes, I am also including pg.lost's Key in that group that is under this song alone. I love the build up, I love the subtlety at the beginning, and the length is perfect for a song like this. Yeah, it's 17 minutes long, but you never really feel underwhelmed or you never feel like the song is missing something. It's all there, and you owe it to yourself to listen to it.

As a whole album, I will say that it's definitely nearing perfection. Yes, I did say it's a piece of art, but I didn't say perfection. It's close. There's a lot of great tracks and for anyone looking to get into post-rock as a genre, this is a must listen, as it basically paves the way for a great first time with the genre. I'd also highly recommend the album that come later, as the band just continues to get better over time.
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