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Old 03-13-2015, 12:09 AM   #1773 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by LoathsomePete View Post
Thank you everyone, it's been a very hard day trying to process it. Everything happened so fast, she was fine this morning, it was the day she was going to get her stitches out from her spay, but there was some minor complications and she needed to go back under and get a few more put in and she never came out of it.

There's been so many emotions and feelings, but I am trying to remember that the pain of today will fade in time whereas the good memories that made up everything else will live on forever. That being said, I also can't help but feel cheated, she was only 18 months, and we only got to enjoy 14 of those months together. There were a lot of things we never got to do, like go hiking in the mountains and play in real snow. She won't be the last St. Bernard, or the last dog, but there will never be another dog like her, and it's hard to imagine waking up tomorrow and not getting to go out for my morning walk with her.

I am glad it wasn't dragged out, it was sudden and painless. She didn't suffer and she lived a life where she was never hungry, never cold, never scared, and was always loved.
It's one of the hardest things to go through in my experience. My dads / my cat recently decided that it was his time to go. He was almost 20 years old, which is old for an indoor / outdoor cat. It took me almost a month, maybe two months to finally come to terms with the fact that he was gone. I still think about him to this day. Honestly the best thing that you can do and it always helped me is that you can't dwell on the things you weren't able to do with your dog. Just think of all the good times you had and never forget that you gave the dog the life it deserved. Losing such a precious animal at such a young age is also not an easy thing to go through since you find yourself thinking about all the fun things you had planned for her when she got older, and now it's not something you'll be able to experience. From what I see in the picture though, you gave her a comfortable life and I know she would want you to be as happy as you made her. It will take time as these type of things always do, but never let yourself feel like you didn't do enough. I bet the dog was the happiest animal there ever was with an owner like you. If you need anyone to talk to to sort of get your mind off of things while you go through this, we're all here. Your dog is up there giving you the biggest doggie smile it could give you.
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