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Old 03-15-2015, 11:12 AM   #5806 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ladyislingering View Post
Cashier, not cash register. There's a person bending to your whim behind that counter.
Walmart has self checkout so you could freak out the cash register anyway. It's not like cashiers matter enough to be viewed as an animate object though.

1. You can buy four items at Walmart or some other store that sells pretty much anything. What would you buy to freak the cash register out?

A bunch of goldfish (the animal not the snack), a fishing rod, fishing line, and hooks.

2. What's your most embarrassing childhood moment?

I used to go to this afterschool daycare thing in elementary school while my parents were at work. We would sit in our little rows while the counselors would talk about what we were doing that day. I think we were in trouble or something so we were sitting in silence and I had to fart. I figured it's a tiny one so it'll probably go unnoticed. A deafening anus rattle filled the room and all the kids backed away from me for about a twenty foot radius.

3. Do you untie your shoelaces when you take your shoes off? Explain your position and how you feel about the other side. I expect an impassioned debate on this one guys.

**** no I don't, who's got time for that bull****?

4. What are your least favourite foods? If you're a vegetarian, we ****ing get it. Pick a food that you don't like but adheres to your philosophy.

I hate crustacean shellfish (crab, lobster, shrimp). Molluscs (octopus, mussels, oysters, clams) I'm cool with though. I'm really not the pickiest eater and that's the only thing that comes to mind.

5. If you could take a fair amount of any drug (and not die) what would you take? Non-drug users, imagine that the men came and forced you to do drugs. After you do the drugs they leave you alone and you can do as you please so you might as well enjoy it.

I'd probably do a quarter of mushrooms.

6. What's the best astronomical event (eclipses, really clear and beautiful nights, I'll even allow stuff like sunsets) that you've witnessed?

In 2005 or 2006, I was living in Yosemite when there was a lunar eclipse while the moon was on a perigee. The night was really clear as usual so you could see the milky way and shooting stars and ****, but the moon was just massive. My mom and I sat on our roof and watched as it eclipsed and it turned red once it was fully eclipsed and it was really intense.

I've also seen a green flash watching the sunset at the beach.
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