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Old 04-04-2015, 02:38 AM   #38 (permalink)
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Default Eastern Flavors (Or Countries that Begin with A)

Sorry, these songs don't really have anything in common, but they are all from countries that start with A, so there's that.

Now the song from Armenia is very interesting indeed. It's far and away the most interesting piece in my opinion, with six vocalists and a meandering melody that isn't really catchy but has a nice quality to it. The story behind this is that the six singers are from six continents, all part of the Armenian diaspora. I love the overly dramatic thing and the tone of the song and how much it changes throughout.

The song was originally called "Don't Deny" but I think they got rid of it because it was too overly political. The video is clearly making a statement about how the families are getting smaller and the diaspora is getting further and further from its roots. It's a nice concept and this song will definitely be a crowd favorite judging by its early popularity.

Meanwhile, Azerbaijan is really starting to grow on me. After a few listens I started to get a bit addicted to his voice. This is by no means a winning song, but with Azerbaijan famous for cheating and bribery in Eurovision, I would not be surprised to see it in the final. Plus, the guy's a looker. Kind of. A little bit if a pointy chin, but who's judging.

I just really like the production on this. Not a huge fan of the chorus and I despise the key change, but the verses are nice.

Albania... oh Albania! I don't really understand it or why it is happening but I think Albania is kind of favored to win. It has a staggering 1.5 million views on youtube already (that's a feat for a Eurovision song before Eurovision has even happened) and people are really raving about it. I think the song is boring and uninspired myself, but I can't deny that she has a nice voice. However, with no live version to be seen, who knows what to expect the day of the show. Still, she'll undoubtedly make it to the finals on May 23rd.

It has its sweetness, but I really dislike the hype around it. Elhaida is really seems. Time will tell!
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