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Old 04-13-2015, 05:56 AM   #24 (permalink)
Because I Am, I Can!
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Originally Posted by shelly167 View Post
Frownland- errr how exactly can you argue that rap is not music.

Also Contrivednihilism, rap may be in dire need of reconnecting with its much more compelling past. Whatever happened to original, raw, honest, grassroots storytelling against some killer beats, I ask myself..! But at the same time, I don't see how you can argue that mainstream rock produces anything of much more quality.

On the subject of Kanye's so-called genius: in my opinion, Kanye is one of those artists with unfulfilled potential. Some of the music in College Dropout reflects a person groping towards greatness. There's some flashes of emerging genius in some of the lyrics. But I haven't liked any of his work ever since. I think the fact that he doesn't live in the real world and has embraced a plastic celebrity lifestyle is key to the disintegration in his music quality. To be a great rapper you need to exist in the real world. It didn't do him any favours but Tupac never lost that connection to the tough life he came from. It meant his music never lost its grit. Kanye is just not comparable in any way.
Well, actually today's rock does produce better music than some of what you hear from Rap today. I think that's not something I'd label a fact, more so a truth. I honestly feel that Rock has always produced better music than Rap has, Rap has had some fantastic music output in some periods of time but I don't consider today's time one of them. Rock is still writing about a wider range of topics than today's Rap: The topic of sex, women in general, money, cars, a big house, self praise exists in today's Rock too, just it's not the only thing ever being written about, much like in some much of Rap today.

All of this is just my opinion, I'm not forcing my view or anything. I just can't agree with you that Rock isn't producing better music. Because my opinion is that yes, Rock is in fact producing better music or the output of better music is more frequent. I am however frustrated that so much of Rock today though doesn't seem to put in a large amount of effort in their song arrangements or songwriting. The aim is just to copy whatever sound in Rock music is popular at the time to become a national touring band, win those awards, get those platinum album plaques, or things like that. Overall, Rock to me is still the stronger genre of music and still with all the seemingly stagnant or dullness of the music, it's got more going for it than Rap right now. I feel funny saying that though because Rap is a more dominant genre currently...
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