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Old 04-24-2015, 12:31 PM   #260 (permalink)
Because I Am, I Can!
CoNtrivedNiHilism's Avatar
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I've seen this subject get so personal and ugly on so many different forums, that I cannot begin to count them all.

It's tough to discuss it because it's so easy for someone to get defensive, or take offense to something that someone says against it, or even a support of it.

My stance on this has been going through changes. And it has been the most progressive the past two years on where I stand on it. If I'm being honest with myself, even born in to a Christian family, and being raised as such. I cannot say that either side of this debate can prove irrefutably, that God does or does not exist. That includes science and its claims on the age old debate, theory of evolution and whatnot. But I'm not saying any of that is wrong, neither right. I stand somewhere between it all. I'm not an Atheist, not sure I consider myself a Christian these days, and being agnostic might fit me more than anything else. So I am open to things, I guess.

I think religion or believing in a God can be great for people. But I've seen just as much harm come of it, it's not just all pretty and nice all of the time. So it's easy to understand why someone wouldn't believe God exists, or that there is a God of any kind at all. People do want something to believe in. Religion being around so long is proof of that. But a lot of people also like to think that they decide their own life, nothing is predestined.

If you want to believe God is real. Do so. No ridicule should come of it. The same should be done with someone that is against religion. But in this world, opposing views lead to conflict more often than not. So it'll never be an issue of common ground.

Such is what it is.
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