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Old 04-30-2015, 09:43 AM   #29 (permalink)
Chula Vista
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It all comes down to the lesser of all evils, right?

Right now you have 5 officially in the race.

Ted Cruz - Shut down the government and polls showed he took a huge public beating for it. Also his constant rails against Obamacare will be less and less effective as more people sign up. He's pretty much the only major politico still singing that song at this point. Plus he comes across really creepy at times.

Rand Paul - Way too fringe. Dude will campaign on wanting to dismantle everything on day one. That'll go over great with the extreme base but will scare the crap out of everyone else.

Marco Rubio - We thought Romney was a flip flopper? This dude is all over the place. Inexperience will also be a factor. His ultra nervous, water gulping response to the SOTU will be played up big time.

Bernie Sanders - Wall street hates him cause he screams regulation. Rich folks hate him cause he screams tax inequality. He comes across too intense a lot plus he's pretty old. Unless he finds a mega rich backer I see him sinking pretty fast.

Hillary Clinton - Bengazi. Much like Stairway to Heaven, that record's been played so many damn times that most people are simply sick of hearing it anymore. It's become a punchline at this point. A lot of the other stuff that they'll try to bring up against her is a bit to intricate for most to fully comprehend.

Might be joining the fray:

Scott Walker - His union busting in Wisconsin is not going to sit well with blue collar USA. His close ties to the Koch brothers will hurt - I'm sure we'll be hearing that prank phone call played over and over again.

Donald Trump - Been there, done that, moved on.

Elizabeth Warren - Another one that Wall Street and the rich hate. She's got some great ideas but will probably have trouble raising cash. And her voice can be annoying when taken in large doses.

“The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well,
on the surface of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away
and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be.”
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