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Old 05-01-2015, 02:27 AM   #35 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Are there any online table top RPGs? If so, it'd be cool to have our own MB guild or whatever. I know there are computer programs/apps to use for RPG dice rolls, so I imagine online table top RPGs must exist.

Edit: Oh, and about that old Axis and Allies debate, has anyone ever played the spinoffs? There was an updated version of the original that had artillery, destroyers, refined rules, a penalty for if either the Russians or Japanese attacked each other -- to more accurately simulate the realities of their relationship in the war, and I'm sure other things I'm forgetting. There was also an A&A game based on D-Day that was pretty fun.
There's a website called which I guess is a handy tool for people wishing to play online through skype (etc). I haven't tried it myself yet, but I checked it out a while ago and what its main feature is giving you a virtual tabletop for miniature games like D&D.

I believe it also contains a community where one could find ongoing games etc.
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