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Thread: re: homeostasis
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Old 05-08-2015, 07:41 AM   #22 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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The first page was a friggin' wall of text, but I did see a lot of sense being made of it.

What Oriphiel pointed out towards the end regardig motivations was true. We're not motivated for survival and reproduction specifically. Instead, we might get scared of a spider or horny when the possibility of sex arises.

Generally speaking, the feelings we have should promote our reproduction, but a big problem gets in the way of that. We're just not perfectly adapted to our environment. We're all different and some will be better at it than others. Some of us even act wrong and will / would probably get weeded out in the future under stronger selection pressure. Furthermore, our environment has changed into something our genes weren't adapted for and when they've changed a little in an effort to keep up, our environment has changed even more. To use a banal example, one might say that using a condom is basically a waste of energy and effort, but the genes that make you horny don't know what condoms are. Your horny feelings may not shut down in a condom rich environment because your genes haven't had much time to adapt to a world with prevention. Similarly, you may feel compassion for someone you see on the television or internet, acting as if that person is a part of your social group. But your genes don't know what a television or the internet is, so how should they know this person can't possibly reciprocate?
Something Completely Different
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