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Thread: re: homeostasis
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Old 05-08-2015, 08:05 AM   #23 (permalink)
Ask me how!
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^ That's a good point. Many of our wants and needs can be fulfilled by actions and factors that our brains weren't necessarily built by evolution to take into account. When you think about it like that, we're not so different from ancient humans, only now we have television and books instead of cave paintings and oral stories. I mean, literally as soon as a guy looked at a sheep's intestines and thought "Hey, I could probably fit that around my dick", we started using them as condoms to prevent fulfilling our biological imperative. As soon as proto-humans started to develop more powerful brains, we started "cheating" everywhere we could, using whatever tools we could find to make our lives more comfortable, and our brains (which were developed to help us survive as a pack in a hostile world of deadly predators like lions, natural disasters that we couldn't yet predict or explain, and basically a thousand unknown factors that could utterly destroy us) just sort of had to go along with it. It's just kinda funny that the same fight-or-flight feeling you get when your teacher asks you to speak in front of the class, was developed to help your ancestors dodge tigers.
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