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Thread: re: homeostasis
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Old 05-08-2015, 04:35 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls View Post
No species is perfect, if it was it would stop evolving until new environmental factors were introduced to cause evolution to begin again. Given enough time all the urges you are talking about will be weeded out of human beings because they are not useful to the biological imperative OR you can take the side that our brains have evolved in a way that allows us to override the path evolution would take us on.
Everything you just said is at harmony with what I just said. We're in a transitional phase, like all species, and we are beginning to be able to use our intelligence to override the biological imperative. We still have inherent urges, though we can control them if we want to. But why would we want to control them? Isn't going against the imperative a drive in and of itself? What compels us to do it? When you look at Maslow's Hierarchy, after all basic wants and needs are fulfilled, we start to look for social gratification, and lastly we seek belonging in a grander and more universal sense. Spitting in the face of evolution is our way of conquering the unknown, which we are afraid of, and claiming ourselves the same way that we claimed the earth (by spreading over it, dividing it, naming the different parts, learning how they work, and using them to fulfill our desires).

But this discussion is starting to get stale, especially since this is pretty much the same debate I just had with JWB. So here are some new questions:

If humans develop to the point when we no longer have inherent urges, won't we simply lay down and die? At that point, why would someone with no fear see life and death as different things? What would drive us to continue to live? Having such intellect, wouldn't we see ourselves for the bundles of matter that we are? Would we reproduce? Would we have emotions? How much of our personalities are created by our urges, desires, and the need to belong (due to our roots as highly social pack animals that survive best in factions)? Basically, what the hell will happen to use if we reach the highest level of intelligence?
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