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Old 05-11-2015, 07:54 AM   #7616 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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The last game I played was actually Alien : Isolation. Awesome game! But ..

It was over too quickly, I think. Not that the game was short, but the ending came somewhat unexpectedly and was over too quick.

If they were gonna do a remake of the sort of ending that Alien and Aliens (the movies) had, I think Amanda should've gotten safely on board the Torrens with captain Verlain alive. Both Alien and Aliens end with Ellen Ripley getting safely away, seemingly, before an alien reappears. In the first film, the Alien reappears at the end when Ripley is preparing for hypersleep. She blasts it into space. In the second film, Ripley and Bishop escape the exploding colony and think they're safe, but the queen alien has of course hitchhiked ..

The drama of those endings work very well. They lull the watcher into a false sense of security before they set up the final confrontation.

In Isolation, they try to do something similar, but it's not very accomplished. You know something is amiss when you get on the Torrens because Verlaine is not responding. You don't really get lulled into a false sense of security and then they're there, you blow the hatch and the game is basically over. Disappointing!

You should have been reunited with Verlaine first, possibly gotten ready for hypersleep and THEN an alien should've appeared, killed Verlaine and you had to blow it out of the airlock.

Or they could've not ripped off those other two movies. Like, either do it right or do something else.
Something Completely Different
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