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Old 05-23-2015, 04:15 PM   #7 (permalink)
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You know, thinking back on it, maybe Black Widow wasn't calling herself a "monster" specifically because she couldn't have babies, but more because she was basically raised to be a ruthless killer with no sense of identity or humanity.

Another interpretation is that maybe she's just more of a flawed character than people realize. People keep assuming that just because a character says something, it automatically reflects the beliefs of the person who wrote the dialogue, when it could just be to reflect the flawed beliefs of the character rather than some general statement regarding every single person belonging to a group/gender. Black Widow basically hates herself, so it makes sense that she would degrade herself even in irrational ways and with irrational thoughts. She thinks less of herself for her past, for things that happened to her that were out of her control, and maybe even don't really matter all that much. For example, there are plenty of guys in real life who are sterile, and who think of themselves as being "less of a man" for their condition, and it's a very complicated thing to have to deal with. But if I made a movie that featured a character that deals with that same feeling, to give depth to their personality, it wouldn't be fair for people to just assume that I as a movie maker think all men who can't make babies aren't really men, you know?

Or maybe it was just some spotty dialogue, and i'm overthinking things.
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