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Thread: Mod for a day.
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Old 05-26-2015, 04:27 AM   #51 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Join Date: Nov 2008
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I'd make guides for stuff, keep indexes of threads, run writing competitions, members compilations, album clubs, etc. all in the hope of turning MB into the kind of place where community participation and writing work (reviews etc) is appreciated and rewarded.

Little of this requires modship, but it helps.

Enforcing rules is a mess here. Rules are more guidelines than anything and that causes chaos. Enforcing rules is tedious, ungrateful work and the current situation also makes it very personal and more difficult. Every mod is (was?) expected to figure it out, but basically .. If the right person calls someone an ass, there's no consequence. If the wrong person calls someone an ass, there might be repercussions. This creates an environment where if the right person ever experienced repercussions, they would take it personal. It would be personal because a mod has gone out of the way to punish that person in an unusual way.

It causes inconsistent rule enforcement, generally little of it and butthurtedness when it does occur.

It would be better to use the infractions system in the board and punish each occurrence of rule breaking similarly (ex. 5 point infractions for trolling). A mod would never have to ban anyone, just hand out infractions. Temporary bans would follow naturally from the infractions system (an excess of 10 infraction points means you're banned).

I brought this up earlier when I was a mod (complete change of rule enforcing policy), but generally met with resistance.
Something Completely Different
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