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Old 05-28-2015, 11:32 PM   #28 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 207

Originally Posted by Frownland View Post
Okay, so I hate power metal that's super obnoxious, cheesy, nerdy as all holyfwckmyanus, and all the other stereotypical reasons to hate power metal. These are stereotypes that are in place because they are an example of an opinion being incredibly popular because it's right you ****ing idiot.

So show me some dank ass power metal and I'll only insult 95% of the genre from now on.
Maybe the aversion to Power Metal you seemed to express was somewhat made in hyperbole? Otherwise, I'm unsure if I could actually ever recommend something from the genre to you with success.

I don't see much of an issue with general 'nerdiness' in the music, depending on what you mean by that. If you could express it to a more precise point, maybe made with some examples that could help in letting me narrow down selections. I get that a lot of it's at least a bit cheesy, though that's not something exclusive to Power Metal I understand the sub-genre seems to cultivate it a fair bit more than others. I've just found that there's a decent bit of PM out there which's really worth tolerating some cheese (in lyrics) for the underlying songwriting. If it's also how sometimes the songwriting can be somewhat over-the-top in trying to convey a sense of epicness, (which I figure is also the case) then that would be good to really know since I could try to narrow things down further, though I'm doubtful if I could find anything in the genre which is 100% free of cheese or 'nerdiness.'

Some years ago I had also been quite averse to how I had seen much Power Metal at a time as very cheesy, however given some time I gave some more of it a chance and found an ability to enjoy more of it for other reasons which were worth tolerating the cheese of it, for the enjoyable aspects. I still don't care for a pretty big portion of the genre, but if you're so repelled by any bit of cheesiness in bands from the genre then most of it will probably remain unappealing. To me, sometimes the 'nerdiness,' and epic/fantasy related stuff is enjoyable when executed well, which may have been the key component in myself being able to grow my taste in the genre and learn to tolerate stuff I found cheesier. If the idea of fantasy/epic lyrics and general 'nerdiness' is automatically repulsive under any normal circumstance, then it might just not be something you could get into.

Here are some recommendations (some of which aren't really pure Power Metal, but holds enough resemblance to be included.)

Persuader - When Eden Burns

Demons & Wizards - Heaven Denies

Demons & Wizards - Fiddler on the Green

Angra - Winds of Destination

Lost Horizon - Think Not Forever

Blind Guardian - Age of False Innocence

Visigoth - Blood Sacrifice

Ascension - The Time Machine (This one I'm most doubtful of you enjoying, but posted for the sake of gauging what you thought of it compared to the other selections, to get an idea on what you prefer if you happen to like any of these.)
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