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Old 06-01-2015, 08:04 AM   #41 (permalink)
John Wilkes Booth
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Originally Posted by adidasss View Post
I have no idea, I'm not a doctor, I assume they just die of complications due to old age, and frankly, if you're 80 and you die of whatever, I think you made it quite far. So, you know, if someone tells you you've got HIV and you'll die of it in 70 years!! I assume you won't go into hysterics over it. :/
fair enough. i was honestly not aware that they made that much progress. still wouldn't **** someone with hiv. would you?
I wouldn't say they conflict with anything really, they're just really stupid conclusions based on cherry picked information. I have no idea where his "facts" are pulled from but for example, what we don't know is what is inside these "statistics", what is the age of these mentally ill people, what kind of problems do they suffer from, and most importantly, what causes them, aside from their "perversion", as claimed by the "esteemed scholar" you seem to find funny. Have you bothered to check any of his hateful bullsh!t and if you're too lazy to do some fact checking before you buy into something, why the hell should I bother doing it for you?
nah, you shouldn't feel obligated to do so. and you're right to take it with a grain of salt until you or someone else does. but yea, "it sounds homophobic therefore i won't bother looking into it" sounds a bit closed minded to me.

The saddest part of this thread for me is that there are obviously still people out there, like you, who can listen to this crap and BELIEVE some of it.
never once claimed to believe any of it. i just wanted someone to spell out precisely why it's wrong.

the saddest part of this thread to me is the fact that it seems the only appropriate reaction to hearing something that sounds homophobic is to mentally shut down, as if that solves anything.

Ok good, good, you're onto something.

Nope, lost it.

This kinda reminds me of this:

So, again, MATHEMATICALLY, if one person says they don't wont to tell their sexual partners they are HIV positive, does that mean ALL gay people don't want to do that? I am a gay person and I can tell you I would definitely want to tell my partner. Where does that get us? You have one gay person who doesn't want to tell and one who does. What does that say about ALL gay people? Mathematically?

Here's another one, I personally know a hundred gay people who would NEVER do bareback. So I guess NO gay people ever want to do bearback.

I know a straight couple who is in an open relationship. Does that mean ALL straight couples are in open relationships?

Are you aware there are swingers clubs for heterosexual married people? Does that mean your mom and dad are swingers?

See where I'm going with this?
that's just a strawman though, since i never suggested causation, with the hypothetical example above.

but if 45 out of 50 men were serial killers, then it would be literally true that MOST men are serial killers. unless you interpret the word 'most' differently than i do. cause to me, it means the majority. and 45 out of 50 is a clear majority.
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