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Old 06-04-2015, 08:27 AM   #375 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tore View Post
You've persistently asked me to quit several times now. I hope it's alright that I ask you to quit asking me to quit. I'm sorry, but I still think we could be headed in a direction that could really benefit this site and that's more important to me than your wish for me to quit.

The infractions system is not something from my drawing board either. It's really something the developers of vbulletin came up with. Even if I went back to the drawing board, I can't feasibly develop new features for this forum and so it's probably better to really utilize the options we got here.
So basically, until everybody agrees with you about your proposal, you're not going to drop it and move on. That's pretty much exactly what I expected. It's also evident from your "new poll" in the other thread that you're just going to keep trying to shove your ideals for a "perfect forum" down people's throats until they either agree or leave.

I'm honestly surprised that this has even been allowed to go on for this long. I'd have thought somebody would have pulled the plug on it and discussed things with you via PM, but obviously that hasn't been the case.

I'm also curious as to why a member like you, whom really hasn't been very active in the past year or so, feels the need to suddenly come back to the forum, only to try to push the idea of new rules. If what you want goes through, would you be a more active member? Or would you just leave us all the the dust to fend for ourselves with the new system that you'd get implemented?
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