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Old 06-11-2015, 01:49 PM   #154 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I think it should be made illegal to say pointless truisms like this. The entire point of making our opinions public is so that we might compare and contrast them, and even possibly develop new opinions based on our experiences with conversing with others. Otherwise we might as well all just shut the **** up and not say anything to each other.
What are you talking about? Are you saying La Rox is not allowed her privacy? I'm saying it's her choice not to have her transgressions aired publicly, and her opinion that it would be a bad idea. What does that have to do with what you wrote? Are you high again or suffering tobacco withdrawal?
Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth View Post
is it cool if i just vote or do i really have to go through each one and explain my reasoning?
You don't get to vote. You shot the president.

All joking aside, this is something of a serious point I have to make, which will probably annoy tore. It's not meant to: I did like tore (note the tense here) but the way he's conducted himself throughout this whole enterprise, essentially trying to push something on the community that a majority said they did not want (see Exo's incisive analogy) has forced me to rethink how I feel about him. Sad I know, but there it is.

Anyway, the thing is, I feel I would have given this whole proposal more attention, importance and significance if it had come from someone who's here all the time, be they mod or not. Someone I was used to talking to, or seeing talking, making threads, making jokes, doing reviews, joining in conversations. But for a long time now tore has been, to quote his usertitle (or his one up to a very short time ago) an "absent friend". He hasn't been involved with the community and I can't help but remember the last significant contribution he made, that I can recall, was when a little while back he invited anyone who wanted to to leave MB and join him in setting up a new forum. That didn't happen, and then a while later we get this.

So to my mind (whether right or wrong) it's like tore didn't get his new forum, so now he's trying to mould, bend and force this one into a shape he is comfortable with, while sadly tending to ignore the fact that so many people don't want that. This is the main reason why I don't agree with his proposal. It's like someone has been away for years and then comes home and says "I know how this place can be better." The initial reaction would be "Who the hell are you? You haven't been here for years." I know tore was/is a respected member and ex-mod, but to me this is just a little suspect, and it may be coincidence but I'm willing to bet it's not.

And I personally don't want (and again, I hope no offence is taken) someone who has not been here for years to come back and tell me how the place should be run, change it all up and then, by his own admission, perhaps leave and not even be part of it once it's been changed. I'm happy with MB as it is, which is why I will continue to oppose any attempts to significantly change it.

I would also like to know: is tore's proposal still alive because he said this poll was "something different". So what is it? I think I certainly at least, am still labouring to connect the two, and definitely feel the one is the product of the other. To put it in terms you Americans will be familiar with, it feels like it's a sneaky rider being attached to a bill?
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