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Old 06-13-2015, 12:31 PM   #5952 (permalink)
All day jazz and biscuits
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Join Date: Feb 2010
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1. What is a question that you've been asked recently and how did you respond?

My aunt asked me if I'm going to go back to school. For the first time since high school, so like eight years, I actually want to go back. I've been trying to find a job for the last six months and I'm learning that most people won't even look at me without a BA. I have an AA and it just isn't cutting it.

2. Describe one of the most frustrating moments of your life (could be real or from a dream)?

Definitely dealing with my brothers drug and legal issues while also trying to get my failed relationship back together. Nothing more frustrating than trying your best to change somebody else and yourself at the same time and succeeding with neither.

3. You can have lunch/play cards/smoke out with/watch movies/just hang out with five celebrities, who would you pick?

Tom Waits
Anthony Bourdain
Marc Maron
Paul Thomas Anderson
Bill Murray

4. Name one common musical trope that you can't stand.

The skits on hip hop albums. Never funny. I don't even like Wu-Tang ones. Luckily they have sort of died out.

5. What part of a mate do you find most attractive (physically speaking, but if you want to thumb your nose at that go ahead and talk about personality or something)?

Sense of humor. Brutal honesty. Larger than normal breasts but not bazonas. Bans that droop over the forehead but slightly to the side. Nerd but doesn't try hard to be.

6. What's something that you believe unfairly gets a bum rap?

New York City subway. People think it's dirty, loud, and full of crazy people. All true, but I love it anyway.

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