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Old 06-13-2015, 01:34 PM   #5953 (permalink)
Ol’ Qwerty Bastard
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Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: Frownland
Posts: 8,832

1. What is a question that you've been asked recently and how did you respond?

Nothing too exciting, really.

2. Describe one of the most frustrating moments of your life (could be real or from a dream)?

Just recently my car had been making some squeaking noises. I assumed it was just my rear breaks and brought it in to have it looked at it turns out there's plenty more wrong with it, not even sure if it's worth it at this point.

3. You can have lunch/play cards/smoke out with/watch movies/just hang out with five celebrities, who would you pick?

Donald Glover
Trent Reznor
Kendrick Lamar
Adrian Brody
Anna Kendrick

4. Name one common musical trope that you can't stand.

Songs titled as Intro/Interlude/Outro that add nothing to an album other than just being another song, I don't really see the point if it's not helping to tell a story.

5. What part of a mate do you find most attractive (physically speaking, but if you want to thumb your nose at that go ahead and talk about personality or something)?

I like a girl who laughs a lot, and who can be just as weird as I am.
Also ass > boobs.

6. What's something that you believe unfairly gets a bum rap?

For some reason Orange is the New Black comes to my head, probably because I was just watching it. Anyway, seems to constantly be called a "chick show" but it's actually one of the better shows going imo.
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