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Old 06-13-2015, 01:56 PM   #5955 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: East of the Southern North American West
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1. What is a question that you've been asked recently and how did you respond?

*via text*
Do you even know what Mona lawn means?

The stuff of Hank Hill's dreams I imagine.

2. Describe one of the most frustrating moments of your life (could be real or from a dream)?

Got drunk with a chemtrail guy last night and his arguments were so stupid that they were works of art, works of art that he would not be swayed from.

3. You can have lunch/play cards/smoke out with/watch movies/just hang out with five celebrities, who would you pick?

Pretty close to Exo's actually:

John Cage
Tom Waits
Anthony Bourdain
Hunter S. Thompson
Teddy Roosevelt

4. Name one common musical trope that you can't stand.

I've noticed that a lot of more popular bands these days use a similar type of chorus/hook that doesn't have any words but is the group singing 'whoa whoa oh oh whoa oh oh' and Jesus's holy tit balls it annoys the hell out of me.

5. What part of a mate do you find most attractive (physically speaking, but if you want to thumb your nose at that go ahead and talk about personality or something)?

Sense of humour and nice eyes really do it for me.

6. What's something that you believe unfairly gets a bum rap?

Free improvisation. It's true that the music sometimes can get pretty ugly sounding, but there's a certain beauty to it that I can see. Many people also knock it trying to say that a five year old could do it, which is technically true but still it's very rare. Far more thought goes into it than most people give it credit for.
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.

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