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Old 06-13-2015, 02:00 PM   #5958 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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1. What is a question that you've been asked recently and how did you respond?

Q: "You ready?"
A: "Yep."

2. Describe one of the most frustrating moments of your life (could be real or from a dream)?

JIRA, which is a bug tracking system we use at work and all the devs are highly dependent on it, broke recently. I was on vacation when it happened. So, naturally, I was working remotely to try and fix it, for 3 days straight. I had exhausted any and all options for troubleshooting. The damn site would error out no matter what, with a non-descriptive unhandled exception. It was the first time at my job that I was genuinely flustered and at the end of my rope. Work wasn't getting done and all eyes were on me. So finally, I gave in and submitted a ticket to the software creators, Atlassian, and they were like "we have never seen this before". Eventually they requested the database be sent to them, and they figured out what was wrong. A user ID was marked as null... The whole time, I was thinking it was a systems issue, but it turned out to be a data issue.

Most of you guys may not appreciate or understand just how bad troubleshooting can be when it's a data issue.

3. You can have lunch/play cards/smoke out with/watch movies/just hang out with five celebrities, who would you pick?

Five Gilbert Gottfrieds.

4. Name one common musical trope that you can't stand.

"I like all music, except for country and rap."

5. What part of a mate do you find most attractive (physically speaking, but if you want to thumb your nose at that go ahead and talk about personality or something)?

Face. But if you have an inverted butt, your face is not going to salvage the attraction.

6. What's something that you believe unfairly gets a bum rap?

Hip Hop songs about the badunk.
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