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Old 06-15-2015, 04:06 PM   #84 (permalink)
John Wilkes Booth
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Join Date: Jul 2013
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so to expand on that i think the whole hypothetical gun control realm has a lot more potential to it than lets say abortion or gay marriage... as those are mostly issues where two opposing sides with two conflicting set of morals try to undermine/destroy the moral system of the other...

guns are a more pragmatic question. so i've brought this up before i think but another fun gun scenario is the whole proliferation of 3-d printed weapons thing. a lot of people like to dismiss this scenario as it's not happening right this second cause 3-d printing is still in its infancy. but if the technology did eventually mature to the point where anyone could easily print a lethal and effective gun... then the whole approach to gun control legislation would have to be rethought.

instead you'd have to focus on either a) controlling access to 3-d printers or b) clamp down on internet file sharing. which is the presumed means by which people would access the directions to print guns.

right now we live in a world where the internet is relatively free and unmanaged... cause relatively speaking this whole internet thing is still pretty young. meanwhile the things in our real lives outside the web are more stringently regulated. you have to pay for more or less everything, and it's relatively easy to enforce that.

as time goes on and technology becomes more integrated into our daily lives it seems inevitable that the state will eventually engineer ways to clamp down on and control internet traffic, and access to electronic networks. or else the state will become increasingly irrelevant as the years go on.


but it's cool, you don't have to be interested in guns and security/surveillance states just cause i am. go discuss disc golf or something cool like that instead
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