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Thread: Kiiii's Arcade
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Old 06-19-2015, 10:12 PM   #168 (permalink)
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Yeah yeah yeah, "there is no excuse for this amount of atrocity!". I know, I know. But believe it or not, I do in fact have these games at my disposal. To be fair, between both KOTOR 1 and KOTOR 2, i've put in a total of 29 hours. "That's nothin!" you say? Well...yeah, it is nothin'. I'll explain to you why these actually aren't installed on my computer, and trust me, I have a good reason. no i don't.

So, let's start off with the older games, like Dark Forces, Dark Forces II and the like. It's really simple....really. When I played those games back when I bought them, I basically bought them because I thought it'd be cool to have them as a part of my library, that and they were all on sale as a pack of sorts, so I just had to have them. I read reviews, I saw that people rating these games fairly well, and they were apparently "must haves" in anyones collection. Unfortunately, I can't really say I felt that during my time of playing them, which wasn't long to be fair. Probably the only one that got a significant amount of play time from me was Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. The game is great. It's simple, it's fun, and it's a good game overall, however...i'm just not a fan of playing games that feel aged when playing them from the get go. I know, that's a stupid thing to say, and I realize that I could be having a lot of fun playing them if I could just get past the fact that they feel aged. But, playing video games is all about getting enjoyment out of the game you play, and I really don't feel like I get very much enjoyment out of these games. However, in the long run, I really don't regret buying them, because I know that down the line, i'll install them again and play them all for hours and enjoy the heck out of them. So, don't lose hope in me yet, i've got time to correct my error ways.

Now, moving on to the last two on the list that have some significant play time. KOTOR 1 and KOTOR 2. "But Ki, you talk about these games a lot, yet they're no longer installed on your PC?" Yep, you're right anonymous voice in the back of my head, they aren't installed on my PC, and for one reason,


Yes, I know, yet again I come up with a stupid reason to not play a game, but seriously, I bought the monitors I have for a reason, to get the full experience out of the games I play. However, with these two games being as aged as they are, the creators didn't really plan for the future with them to allow them to be "full screen playable" on a 1920x1080 res monitor. Honestly, it was disappointing to finally get the games on my PC, only to find that they can only really be playable on an old fashioned box monitor like this:

inb4 hipsters says "but, you should have one of these monitors, screw your widescreen".

How bout no, anonymous hipster in the back of my head.

Anyway, it's really a shame that I can't really talk about these older games as much as I'd like, because really...I didn't grow up playing them as much as others did. I played more of the N64 / Xbox era of Star Wars games. If that's disappointing to you, i'll be outside tomorrow at 4pm, so feel free to come egg me, and my apartment for my errors. Don't hit my cat though.

/rant-ish thing.
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