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Thread: Kiiii's Arcade
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Old 06-22-2015, 09:40 AM   #175 (permalink)
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Star Wars Battlefield 3...I mean Battlefront.

I figured it'd be an interesting idea to talk about the gameplay footage that was released for the upcoming Battlefront game. I won't lie either, i'm not entirely sure where I feel about it in terms of hype / excitement. On one hand, I have to remember the people that are making it, and with that, I know they're doing their best to make sure the game is made to cater to those that are expecting a great game. On the other hand, I have to remember that no matter what happens, it's still a Star Wars game, and it's going to be fun to play regardless. When I first saw the gameplay footage, the first thing I thought of was Battlefield, and that sucks, because apparently i'm not the only one that thinks that. Unlike most of those people however, I do think it'd be pretty cool to have a Star Wars game that plays like Battlefield, because I actually really like the mechanics and play feel that Battlefield has going for it. Along with that, it really looks like they're trying to make it really feel like a Star Wars game, and not just a Battlefield Star Wars skin. I know I said that it looks like it'll play like Battlefield, but with the addition of being able to switch from 1st person and 3rd person, and seeing what type of ships you can pilot, I can't help notice the influence from the first and second Battlefront games. Plus, it also looks like you'll be able to play as jedi/sith again which I thought was a really cool part about the past Battlefront games. Graphics don't look that amazing, but at the same time, graphics aren't really a big deal when it comes to a release like this. If anything, i'd be more happy with a legitimate Battlefront 3 game that looks and feels like the previous two over a Battlefront 3 with great graphics and horrible gameplay. But, there's no way to judge the game based on the little gameplay we have right now.

So, I don't really know where I sit, like I said. I want to be excited because it's a new Battlefront and everybody and their mom is going to be playing. On the other hand, EA just doesn't have a good reputation for their games from what I've seen, and I just hope that their reputation doesn't stick to them with this release. I'm going in expecting something not that great, and I hope i'll be caught by surprise and it'll be one of the greatest releases in the Battlefront series. Like...just going off of the gameplay footage that we have, the game looks like it has potential to be good, and I really want it to be good. I can't even tell you how much fun I had with the previous two games, but I probably don't have to tell you, because you've probably experienced it for yourself. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a good game, but I don't think i'll be too disappointed if it sucks.
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