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Old 07-29-2015, 10:21 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Kid A (2000)

I'm going to start this off by listening to Kid A, as this album seems to be in the higher rated albums judging by the overall positive feedback it receives. Upon starting to listen to this album, i'm finding myself not really cringing at Yorke's voice as I would have when I listened to this album before. In fact, I think his voice compliments the album quite well. I also think Everything In It's Right Place is a fantastic way to start this album as it really sets the mood to get you in the right mind to expect something...well...unexpected. Moving on, we get to the track titled Kid A. It starts off a little slow which is a little worrying, but after the initial 30 seconds, it starts to get going a little faster. The mixture of instrumentals in this song are really neat, and they aren't so overwhelming and in your face that it actually makes for a really nice atmosphere surrounding the song itself. The vocals seem a little bit weird, but it's probably just a weird effect to add to the atmosphere of the song, and it surprisingly works. And i'm not saying that because I don't have to hear Yorke's voice, i'm saying that because the effect sits nicely with the other effects going on with the song. Next up we have The National Anthem which seems to be a little bit heavier than the previous two tracks, what I mean by that is it gets right into things right away and sets the mood for the track right away. This song is really cool. I love the instrumentals and just the overall feel of the track itself. Very strange in some places and Thom Yorke actually sounds really good on this track as well. His voice once again is not making me cringe, so perhaps this is a good thing. I actually find his voice in this track to be quite enjoyable and this would be a track I would listen to again if I had to choose one right now. How To Disappear Quickly seems to have a bit of a more haunting / creepy feel to it, but the name fits the song well as it feels like i'm disappearing into something, don't know what that something is, but it's something. I know i've been mentioning this a lot, but once again, Yorke does sound great in this track. I'm mentioning that multiple times because Thom Yorke was always the reason I didn't like Radiohead, or one of them anyway, and now i'm finding myself getting used to his voice and really starting to like it quite a bit.

As for the rest of the album goes, it's all pretty good. In Limbo seems to be my favorite out of the list of tracks on this album, and I know I only mentioned a few tracks above, but i'm not the biggest fan of talking about every single track in an album, those are just my thoughts on the first couple tracks that I seemed to like. As an album altogether, I think it holds together really well and actually seems to have given me a pretty good maybe even great listening experience. I'm pleasantly surprised and also happy to say that I do indeed enjoy this album quite a bit. It could be that I chose an album that is said to be one of their best, but i'm willing to admit that I was wrong to say that this album sucked, because it's actually quite good. There's nothing from what I can tell that really stretches the imagination and goes beyond what you'd expect to hear from an album like this, so I still don't really hear the "omg this album is life changing" thing about the album, but I can't deny that it's a good listen and a good album overall. I'll probably be going back to this album a lot more than I usually do and wouldn't mind talking about this album in Radiohead discussion from now on. Very happy that my opinion has changed on this and hopefully the same can be said for the other albums that I listen to in the future.
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