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Old 07-30-2015, 10:44 PM   #453 (permalink)
John Wilkes Booth
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honestly i see colbert as a one trick pony... i thought he was funny when he first started. at this point his shtick has gotten pretty stale imo. of course coulter is mostly a one trick pony as well... but she's just a lot better at that one trick than colbert is.

i would actually rate colbert as the least interesting to watch out of the 3 names i listed. bill mahr isn't very funny at all to me, but he's not a terrible commentator and his shows usually have some decent guests and conversations on them. though i probably prefer politically incorrect to his hbo show.

as for stewart, i think a lot of his daily show monologues are pretty good... albeit sometimes to be taken with a grain of salt. the rest of his show is usually pretty ****, though. especially his fake reporters and their over the top news parodies... it's like a less funny, more dumbed down version of the onion. some of his interviews aren't bad... especially with people he disagrees with like oreilly. but whenever he gets someone on there who shares his politics he usually just licks their ass.

Last edited by John Wilkes Booth; 07-30-2015 at 10:51 PM.
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