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Old 08-03-2015, 08:25 PM   #23 (permalink)
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I think you're changing the question when you don't agree with the answer. In your original post you said "genetically predisposed to war, fighting, and conflict". Then it kind of softens to is it just human nature or just our way.

I agree with Sagan as I posted above.

If another way to phrase your question is "is peace possible?" I'm going to say in my opinion yes. Step one is understanding that we are biological creatures that have been evolving for billions of years. Understanding what our human and pre-human ancestors had to overcome for us to make it this far is essential. Step two is understanding that technology cannot be held in a vacuum. As we progress into the future our ability to destroy will grow and grow and the ability to destroy on a massive scale and even global scale will become more and more prevalent. This forces humanity to acknowledge that our species will not be able to continue unless violent solutions are taken off the table. Step three is a paradigm shift where mankind universally rejects violent problem solving.

Like I posted earlier we're essentially alligators with hydrogen bombs. Is the utopian scenerio mentioned above unlikely? Yes. But it's impossible for humanity to go much further in our current mindset. So chances are we don't make it. Maybe that happens to all intelligent species in the universe. But maybe we can get past all this and profoundly change the way we interact with each other. Maybe technology will play a positive role. Maybe there will be human genetic engineering in the future that will temper our hostilities.

I like to dream of humanity, colonizing planets, reaching other stars, and exploring the universe thousands of years from now. I hope it's possible. We'll have to do it ourselves unless you think the invisible sky man is going to come down and save the day.
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