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Old 08-08-2015, 07:05 AM   #868 (permalink)
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Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 721

Originally Posted by Plainview View Post

Here's the new improved version, totally changed, with 6 new tracks that completely alter the feel of the album. I was pretty unhappy with a lot of the stuff on the first iteration, and this moves into the direction I originally intended, with a lot of dark ambient emphasise in the style. More of a low-fi sound combined with some jazz elements. Still highly influenced by Kid A, Amnesiac, Kraftwerk, and a bit of Aphex, but more of an ambient, shifting quality wholesale. If you could be kind enough to give it a full listen and share your thoughts I'd be real grateful. This album is, I guess, a distillation of where am at with depression and other stuff in my life, so it's been cathartic to create it. It's pretty down-tempo and atmospheric, as I was trying to conjure up feelings of isolation, unease, and uncertainty.

That's really nice by the way, Sequoioideae.
Can I get feedback? Cheers, love you all xxx
Originally Posted by DeadChannel
The overuse of babe/baby, the lack of any sort of discernible originality, the melodrama and the general sense of an especially heinous sort of hardcore vapid stupidity all make me want to jab my eyes out with a drill-press and then hang myself from the CN Tower with an electrified rope that sends shocks in excess of 10,000 volts through my body as I slowly die. While listening to Dream Theater.
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