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Old 08-08-2015, 06:14 PM   #486 (permalink)
John Wilkes Booth
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Originally Posted by Chula Vista View Post
This is simply not true and hasn't been for years. I've been working with China manufacturing for 30 years and have been traveling there off and on for the past 20. You may still find sweatshops out in the boondocks but they'd never pass ISO standards and wouldn't be able to do business with the vast majority of companies in the US. The factories in the major industrial areas are pretty amazing. Clean, organized, dedicated hard working laborers, and very efficient controls.

And over the last 10 years their labor standards and conditions have improved dramatically - and their prices have gone up accordingly. They are still less expensive than the US for the most part but they are no longer cheap.

In that same time a lot of the bigger US companies have moved over to Vietnam, who are about where China was 10-15 years ago. Costs there are maybe 10% cheaper on average.

Trump'd dad died in 1999 with an estimated worth of between $250 and $300 million dollars. He left a huge chunk of that to the Donald as well as leaving him his vast real property management company - which Trump went on to bankrupt.

And Trump's net worth year after year is highly debatable since he relies on a lot of questionable assets to pad his numbers.
honestly i appreciate the insight... cause obviously i only know what i'm told about china.. never been there. and i appreciate that you have.

but i'm not pulling the slavery stuff out of thin air... it's been documented by al jazeera (who were accordingly expelled from the country for sharing it) that china sends its own people to forced labor camps where they manufacture goods and then send them to a "front" company to circumvent the western laws against buying goods produced by forced labor.
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