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Old 08-25-2015, 06:50 PM   #173 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 207

Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
If it's okay with you, I'm going to credit the selections in that section during Metal Month to you. I have found some amazing music thanks to you and I doubt I would have done so just flailing around in the dark as I usually do, so I'd like to credit you when I write the section.
You can credit me if you would like, I'm fine with it. I'm glad you've liked quite a bit of what I've recommended, and appreciate your thanks. I will see about finding anything else which may work for that segment of yours for Metal Month soon, though I think I've rec'd the bulk of what I think would be appropriate for it of the bands I know. Also, I'm just wondering how exactly the crediting would work, since others have recommended you some Atmospheric Black Metal stuff, I think they should be credited for their contributions too (which you may have planned to do so anyways, I might have been a little confused with what you said initially,) and I'm pretty sure others had recommended that Ulver album earlier, so I really feel I should only take credit for recommending the specific albums I have.

Also, would you be open to mentioning which recommendations you have liked the most of the ones I've sent your way? I'm fine if you want to leave that for when you start posting your reviews, though I'm curious which ones have been the best. However, I'm fine with waiting until October, too, since that's the time when your opinion of these albums, and all of the other Metal related stuff has been planned to be posted.
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