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Old 09-03-2015, 12:29 AM   #10845 (permalink)
Lucem Ferre
Cuter Than Post Malone.
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I said the same thing when Micheal Jackson died.

Anything you hear on the radio is very repetitive.

I think rap is the most diverse because all you have to do is rap. The delivery and instrumental surrounding the vocals can come from anywhere. You have rap songs with a reggae influence or an orchestral influence or an industrial influence or a country influence or a metal influence etc. where it borders between rap and what ever else. There just aren't enough rappers out there in the mainstream that choose to push genre boundaries.

Also, I'll redact my statement on Kanye being a genius and just say that he's very creative. I liked Yeezus a lot, my only problem was that he tried to convey certain messages on certain songs but couldn't even stay on topic. Like on New Slaves how he had so many concepts in that song such as him becoming a slave to materialism or how artists are slaves to corporations or that prisoners are becoming almost literal slaves to privatized companies but he trails off into some immature rambling about banging some dudes Hampton wife. I really liked that album though because of how it sort of puts an odd perspective on things. I see it with Big Sean's song Blessings too, with that song and video. These rappers are bragging about having all this money and all these women but they are using this dark sound and dark imagery that makes it seem as though they aren't as happy as they thought these things would make them. Like, in the video for Blessings there is the stair way to heaven but heaven is depicted as this dark and ominous cloud.
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