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Old 12-30-2005, 11:49 AM   #805 (permalink)
Urban Hat€monger ?
The Sexual Intellectual
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Originally Posted by Crowe
Wow dude. Don't hide your enjoyment of a band because so called punk officianados have dubbed Green Day unworthy. I have just had a huge argument about this on another board. I wish I had the energy to argue for them right now. Been awake too damn long. American Idiot was a fine album, if you think Green Day is going to keep writing about being socially inept and masturbation you're wrong. They're 30 years old, not teenagers anymore. People will always find something to bitch about. IF they still wrote like they did when they were younger, people would write them off and say they always sound the same, but here they are growing up and making some different kinds of music and people say they want old stuff. If you look for something to be wrong, you'll find something. The funny thing is, I remember when Green Day first broke into the mainstream in 94, punks everywhere liked the music, I'm talkin' people spanning from devout Oi punk, to the new generation of music listeners. You know why? Because then, punk wasn't a "big thing" when it came to mainstream. But as soon as it was. All of the music elitists wrote Green Day off because somebody who they didn't consider up to their level of musical knowledge liked the band. They just had to seperate themselves and be unique. So they turned away from GD to do this- which is funny because now - if you say you like punk and mention Green Day as a favorite band, you get marginalized as a pop punker by "REAL PUNK FANS OMG"- it's bull****. The whole idea of punk to begin with is to step away from society and to remove yourself from the kind of **** that society will put an individual through, and here punk fans are, outcasting people trying to enjoy music because its not up to their standards. Throwing away everything that punk stands for. Nowadays, its awesome to listen to old, relatively unheard of punk - or find the undersigned, overlooked bands... and that makes you a REAL FAN. Don't fall into the trap hobo. Green Day ****ing Rocks. I ranted. I still have more to say, but I am tired. One more thing, I bet if most of you got to ask your favorite bands who an influence was... I guaren-****ing-tee Green Day would be one of their influences.

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