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Old 10-07-2015, 04:48 PM   #2835 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by Frownland View Post
Mr. Bungle has an overarching metal theme, although there are a lot of other genres squeezed in there, which is why I chose it. Boo for your skippage though (Phlegmatics in particular is heavy as ****), I consider it an avant-garde metal record precisely because its loose with the genre definition. I also picked it to get you to listen to it, which I've obviously failed at.

Black One is actually on Spotify, but you probably didn't find it because Spotify can't decide if the band is called Sunn O))) or Sunn 0))).

With Fantomas, the 13th track doesn't have any music on it because of bad luck.

I think there might have been more for you to "latch onto" and understand with the Naked City album if you listened to it track by track. Not that you would like it in that context, but it would give you the idea that it's a back and forth battle between genres seen in a grindcore context. If you listen to it all straight through with no prior knowledge, it would be a lot harder to discern the change ups from the start of the next one.

At least you had the balls to stick it out on the list and go out of your comfort zone (well, at least until you man up and finish that Mr. Bungle record).

Long story short, I think you need to start doing drugs my friend.
First of all, don't take offence as I don't mean any but ... I'm not into listening to albums to get into the weirdness of them. I'm a simple guy: if I don't get any enjoyment out of an album, I move on. I don't think "what was it the artiste was trying to do?" or anything like that. Life's too short to bother with music I can't stand, specially at my time of life. You young 'uns might have the time and the mindset to do that, but not me. I've stretched my genre definitions quite a lot over the last four years, and I'm pretty damn proud of what I've achieved, but there is still music I will not listen to.

I don't particularly care what Zorn was trying to do, the statement he was making or if it was a clever commentary on why music sucks or whatever the fuck he was trying to get across. I didn't enjoy it, I move on. That's how I am. That album was just a total mess to me. As I said, Batty would have scored 100 percent success if he'd unleashed that on me in the Torture Chamber. Bear in mind too, just because music is out-there or avant-garde or different doesn't always mean it's good. I'm not saying Zorn adherents or critics wouldn't get anything out of it, but I'm not one of them: I'm just a poor schmuck trying to sample the world of others through music and I fail as often as I succeed, and this is a fail. I don't see it as my failure, I see it as yours really. You should know by now the limits of what I can stand, and yet you seem determined to push and push me further over the edge, as if somehow I will miraculously learn to fly. Well I won't: I'll just plummet to my death.

This is why I wish you would take this into account when recommending albums to me. I realise this was YOUR top ten, and that's fine, but you should have expected me to hate most of it, rather than shake your head and wonder why I don't like the same music you do. I doubt I ever will. We may share certain common ground on occasion, but there are always going to be bands you're into that I would never be, or want to be, and vice versa. So this constant almost harrassment --- try it, try it! --- gets to be a little old and I would ask you maybe to try respecting that there are limits I will not, and do not want to cross. This seems to be something you are fundamentally unable or unwilling to accept: some of your music sucks, to me, and always will, so if you would stop trying to force me to like it that would be great.

I'm not sure what you mean about listening to the Naked City thing track by track; that IS how I listened to it, how else could I? Also, on the Bungle; well it was not metal to me and this is Metal Month and I had lots of other things I could do, and I know you: you'll crowbar in the weirdest albums that just have the slightest tinge of metal in them just so you can make me listen to them. So I decided enough was enough; I listened to about half the album and that was more than enough. You're lucky I even got through that much.

Why, seriously, do you do this? I don't try to force you to like Marillion or Genesis or any of my other bands. I accept you don't like them. I don't agree with your reasons but I respect your right to have them. Why can't you do the same for me?

As for drugs: maybe you need to stop doing them. I wonder do you listen to these albums without the aid of drugs? If I needed drugs to appreciate an album then it would be a pile of crap as far as I'm concerned. I know that was a joke from you but it's a little annoying, to say nothing of coming across as condescending. I choose to believe you didn't mean it that way, but that's how it sounds to me.
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